Jacob Highter and Charles Billings recount stories and history of the Sparks family, and visit the remaining cellar hole in the fall of 2023.
Innkeeper Chris Bullock welcomes you to the Chipman Inn, a beautiful nine room country bed and breakfast in Ripton, Vermont.
Visit https://ChipmanInn.com to learn more and make your reservation!
All Rights reserved: Chipman Inn Inc.
Burgess Meredith recites Robert Frost poetry, as he walks the same thought-provoking paths on the Homer Noble Farm.
All rights reserved: Winterset Productions
Ripton, Vermont is home to the summer cabin where Vermont Poet Laureate, Robert Frost, spent the last 24 years of his life.
This Place in History is produced in partnership by Local 22 & Local 44 (www.mychamplainvalley.com) and the Vermont Historical Society.
Did you know the First National Christmas tree was donated by Middlebury College and came from the Joseph Battell Wilderness?
Video permission granted by the Vermont Historical Society. This Place in History is produced in partnership by Local 22 & Local 44 (www.mychamplainvalley.com) and the Vermont Historical Society.
Watch more This Place in History videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uug0Y...
More videos from the Vermont Historical Society: https://www.youtube.com/c/VermontHist...
Middlebury College Special Collections, Middlebury, Vermont
Women's Forum of Middlebury College load up holiday gifts into a truck parked behind Forest Hall en route to the Meeting House in Ripton
From our friends at The Forward , a short video interview with Jonathan Reichert, telling about his encounter with Robert Frost on the day Frost received a request for support for the poet Ezra Pound
A history of the Rivers that run through our little slice of the Green Mountains
This 50s era dance hall hosted upwards of 125 people on Saturday nights all summer long. The leftover bottles were even collected for a building constructed down in Middlebury.
As a Ripton legislative representative and a local blacksmith, Ira Dow and his family were among the early settlers in Ripton. Even surviving Typhoid, Ira later sold his farm to Robert Frost, who eventually gifted the property to Stafford Dragon, a then farm-hand tasked with the maintenance.
A Brief look at 66 maiden Lane, an iconic Ripton Farmhouse. Hilda Billings, the matriarch of Ripton walks us through her living memory of the property.